Whereas technologies dealing with the exploitation of the most established and well-financed renewable energy sources - such as wind and solar power - are developing at great speed, geothermics - an age-old source of energy - still plays a minor role. Yet geothermal heat is a renewable energy source that could contribute significantly to reducing fossil fuel dependence and pollution emissions. This book explains how to exploit geothermal power, how geothermics impacts the environment, how much it costs and its future prospects.
Adele Manzella is a geophysicist who has been engaged in geothermal exploration with electromagnetic methods for over 20 years, coordinating geothermal exploration research activities, participating in international geothermal projects and managing geothermal evaluation projects for the Italian National Research Council.
Carlo Ungarelli is a physicist who has conducted research at the Italian National Research Council's Geoscience and Georesource Institute and in other European university research centres.
Capitolo I: Il calore sotto i nostri piedi: una risorsa inesauribile - Capitolo II: Quale e quanta energia - Capitolo III: Come utilizzare l'energia - Capitolo IV: Ma è proprio tutto oro caldo? - Capitolo V: Sviluppi tecnologici: le sfide per il futuro - Capitolo VI: Quanto costa e come migliorare - Per saperne di più