Il viaggio dentro - e intorno - alla nostra mente presenta molte sorprese. Cosa ci induce a decidere, intraprendere un rischio, saper aspettare, e cosa ci porta a una valutazione corretta di noi stessi? E infine, perché l’amore è il prodotto più ricco della vita mentale?
At the end of a century that has attempted to reduce individual happiness to collective happiness, psychology has begun to explore the ways in which the mind either hinders or favors the search for happiness. This book deals...
How do we choose a partner? Why are men attracted to young, beautiful women, whereas women are attracted to men who seem able to offer security to them and their offspring? The criteria underlying these choices are not...
The circadian clock, which regulates our sleep-wake rhythms and other aspects of our physiology, is synchronised, especially via sunlight, with the natural environment surrounding us. However, our living habits, conditioned as...
Scegliere fra più alternative è qualcosa che facciamo tutti e per tutta la vita, fin da quando, bambini, decidiamo se dividere o meno la merenda con il compagno di banco. Decidere è un...
More than ever before, we are called upon to make plans and adjust our activities aimed at achieving objectives. What are the cognitive tools that allow us to develop long-term plans and get things done on a day-to-day basis?...
“Try to concentrate”, “Focus!”, “I can’t concentrate”, “Pay attention!”… How often do we repeat similar phrases? But do we really know what concentration is?...
Forever young! Whereas one’s official age is a question of mere arithmetic, the concept of ageing is fluid. Its definition is fluid, and so are its causes. Ageing is increasingly a matter of major importance from both an...
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