La grande tradizione islamica, da conoscere oltre le paure e gli stereotipi: la storia, i principi del credo e i precetti del culto, la letteratura e il pensiero, sciiti e sunniti e l’insieme di regole che disciplinano la vita delle comunità.
Trying to approach Islamic culture without knowing anything about the Koran is perhaps even more reductive than examining Western history without knowing anything about the Bible. With no understanding of the Koran, not only...
Over its long history Islam has become one of the world's major religious traditions. Born in Arabia in the 7th century A.D. and since then engaged in confrontations, including military ones, with the West, Muslim religion is...
La nascita del Califfato di Siria e Iraq ha prodotto, tra gli altri disastri, l’acuirsi del conflitto lungo la linea dello scisma tra sunniti e sciiti, aprendo diversi teatri di guerra: Yemen, Libano,...
Sunnism is one of the two major families into which Islam is divided. It includes 90% of all Muslims and represents, in many ways, orthodoxy with respect to the Shiite minority, which emerged after the civil strife triggered...
The great migrations towards Europe of Muslim peoples, market globalization, and the "Arab Spring" revolts have reduced the distance between the West and the Islamic world and made it more...
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